
Pail of water

Purpose: Illustrate the idea of centripetal and centrifugal forces and accelerations. Parts: Bucket with water, or glass of water on the base shown in the pictures. Setup: Hold the setup from the hanger and spin it around in a vertical circle with a certain speed. The water stays inside… Continue reading »

Ball in a bowl

Purpose: Explain the force and acceleration in Circular motion Parts: Tray with a circular track made with clay & steel ball. Setup: Let the ball go along the circular path and guess what path will it take at the end 1,2,3  or 4 ?… Continue reading »

Penny on turntable

Purpose: Motion of an object traveling in a circle. Parts: Turntable Penny Setup: Plug the turn table lead to the wall outlet, set a desired speed. Place few pennies with different distances from the center. Turn the table ON with the little black switch. Continue reading »