Frederick W. Strauch

Photo of Frederick W. Strauch

William Edward McElfresh Professor of Physics

Hopper Science Center Rm 32
At Williams since 2008
Lab: Bronfman B29


B.S. Loyola College in Maryland (1998)
Ph.D. University of Maryland, Physics (2004)
P.D.A. National Institute of Standards and Technology (2007)

Areas of Expertise

Quantum Computing and Artificial Solids I am a theoretical physicist specializing in the design and study of "artificial atoms" made of superconducting devices operating in the quantum limit at very low temperatures and with very low electrical noise. My other interests include quantum computing with ultracold neutral atoms, quantum computing algorithms, and computational and mathematical physics in general. The common focus of my work is to develop methods to efficiently and robustly store, transfer, and manipulate quantum information using simple, experimentally accessible control protocols. I am currently working on the design of "artificial solids" capable of demonstrating novel quantum transport, with potential application in quantum computers. Student Research

Scholarship/Creative Work

Funding Selected Publications
  • "Arbitrary Control of Entanglement between two Superconducting Resonators", F. W. Strauch, K. Jacobs, and R. W. Simmonds, Physical Revew Letters 105, 050501 (2010). arXiv, Journal
  • "Multifrequency control pulses for multilevel superconducting quantum circuits", A. M. Forney, S. R. Jackson, and F. W. Strauch, Physical Review A 81, 012306 (2010). arXiv, Journal
  • "Quantum Information: Circuits that Process with Magic", R. W. Simmonds and F. W. Strauch, Nature 460, 187 (2009). <a href="" target="_blank" Journal
  • "Reexamination of decoherence in quantum walks on the hypercube", F. W. Strauch, Physical Review A 79, 032319 (2009). arXiv, Journal
  • "Theoretical analysis of perfect quantum state transfer with superconducting qubits", F. W. Strauch and C. J. Williams, Physical Review B 78, 094516 (2008). arXiv, Journal
  • "Multilevel effects in the Rabi oscillations of a Josephson phase qubit", S. K. Dutta, F. W. Strauch, R. M. Lewis, K. Mitra, H. Paik, T. A. Palomaki, E. Tiesinga, J. R. Anderson, A. J. Dragt, C. J. Lobb, and F. C. Wellstood, Physical Review B 78, 104510 (2008). arXiv, Journal
  • "Quantum behavior of a dc SQUID phase qubit", K. Mitra, F. W. Strauch, C. J. Lobb, J. R. Anderson, F. C. Wellstood, and E. Tiesinga, Physical Review B 77, 214512 (2008). arXiv , Journal
  • "Tunneling phase gate for neutral atoms in a double-well lattice", F. W. Strauch, M. Edwards, E. Tiesinga, C. Williams, and C. W. Clark, Physical Review A 77, 050304 (2008). arXiv, Journal
  • "Any-order propagation of the nonlinear Schroedinger equation", F. W. Strauch, Physical Review E 76, 046701 (2007). arXiv, Journal
  • "Relativistic effects and rigorous limits for discrete- and continuous-time quantum walks", F. W. Strauch, Journal of Mathematical Physics 48, 082102 (2007). Journal
  • "Strong-Field Effects in the Rabi Oscillations of the Superconducting Phase Qubit", F. W. Strauch, S. K. Dutta, Hanhee Paik, T. A. Palomaki, K. Mitra, B. K. Cooper, R. M. Lewis, J. R. Anderson, A. J. Dragt, C. J. Lobb, and F. C. Wellstood, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 17, 105 (2007). arXiv
  • "Connecting the discrete- and continuous-time quantum walks", F. W. Strauch, Physical Review A 74, 030301 (R) (2006). arXiv , Journal
  • "Relativistic quantum walks", F. W. Strauch, Physical Review A 73, 054302 (2006).arXiv, Journal
  • "Initializing the flux state of multiwell inductively isolated Josephson junction qubits", T. A. Palomaki, S. K. Dutta, Hanhee Paik, H. Xu, J. Matthews, R. M. Lewis, R. C. Ramos, K. Mitra, P. R. Johnson, F. W. Strauch, A. J. Dragt, C. J. Lobb, J. R. Anderson, and F. C. Wellstood, Physical Review B 73, 014520 (2006). Journal
  • "Macroscopic Tunnel Splittings in Superconducting Phase Qubits", P. R. Johnson, W. T. Parsons, F. W. Strauch, J. R. Anderson, A. J. Dragt, C. J. Lobb, and F. C. Wellstood, Physical Review Letters 94, 187004 (2005).arXiv, Journal
  • "Spectroscopy of Three-Particle Entanglement in a Macroscopic Superconducting Circuit", H. Xu, F. W. Strauch, S. K. Dutta, P. R. Johnson, R. C. Ramos, A. J. Berkley, H. Paik, J. R. Anderson, A. J. Dragt, C. J. Lobb, and F. C. Wellstood, Physical Review Letters 94, 027003 (2005). arXiv, Journal
  • "Quantum Logic Gates for Coupled Superconducting Phase Qubits", F. W. Strauch, P. R. Johnson, A. J. Dragt, C. J. Lobb, J. R. Anderson, and F. C. Wellstood, Physical Review Letters 91 167005 (2003). arXiv, Journal
  • "Entangled Macroscopic Quantum States in Two Superconducting Qubits", A. J. Berkley, H. Xu, R. C. Ramos, M. A. Gubrud, F. W. Strauch, P. R. Johnson, J. R. Anderson, A. J. Dragt, C. J. Lobb, and F. C. Wellstood, Science 300, 1548 (2003). Journal
  • "Spectroscopy of capacitively coupled Josephson-junction qubits", P. R. Johnson, F. W. Strauch, A. J. Dragt, R. C. Ramos, C. J. Lobb, J. R. Anderson, F. C. Wellstood, Physical Review B 67, 020509 (2003). arXiv, Journal
Ph.D. Thesis

Previous Posts

  • National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Research Council Postdoctoral Associate, 2004-2007
  • Gettysburg College, Visiting Assistant Professor of Physics, 2007-2008