13 Sept. | Physics and Astronomy Social Hour TPL 314, Student Common Room |
20 Sept. | Physics and Astronomy Faculty Title: ”All About Graduate School”, TPL 314, Student Common Room |
27 Sept. | Joshua Spitz – MIT Title: “Closing in on the Neutrino” |
4 Oct. | Ashley Carter – Amherst College Title: “Reshaping our Genetic Future” |
25 Oct. | Combined Physics, Astronomy and Computer Science Colloquium Catherine McGeoch – Amherst College Title: ”Experimental Evaluation of an Adiabatic Quantum Computer for Combinatorial Optimization” Thompson Chemistry Lab Room 202 |
8 Nov. | Eric Heller – Harvard University Title: “What I Learned About Quantum Mechanics by Studying Acoustics and Vice-Versa” |
15 Nov. | Catherine Hirshfeld Crouch ’90 – Swarthmore College Title: “Physics and Cell Biology: Physical Models and Techniques for Studying Why Cell Membranes Bend” |
20 Nov. | Dava Sobel – author and writer in residence – Smith College Title: “Copernicus’s Search for A More Perfect Heaven” Bronfman Auditorium at 8PM |
17 Jan. | Honors Thesis Students Thesis Progress Talks, TPL 205, 1:30 PM |
7 Feb. | Physics and Astronomy Faculty Title: ”Quick Introductions to Physics and Astronomy Research Opportunities at Williams” |
19 Feb. | Paul Schechter – MIT Title: “The dark matter content of elliptical galaxies measured from the static gravitational micro-lensing of multiply imaged quasars” TPL 205 at 4:30 PM |
28 Feb. | Alexi Arango – Mount Holyoke College Title: “Next-generation photovoltaics utilizing unconventional semiconductors for low-cost, large-scale electricity generation from the sun” |
6 Mar. | Jennifer Yee – Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Title: “Extraordinary Extrasolar Planets” Public Talk: 8PM, TPL 203 |
7 Mar. | Jennifer Yee – Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Title: “Microlensing: Beyond Planet Detection” |
14 Mar. | Kamen Kozarev ’05 – Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Title: “Solar Mass Ejections, Coronal Shock Waves, and Energetic Particle Acceleration” |
11 Apr. | Matthew LaHaye – Syracuse University Title: “Mechanical Quantum Systems” |
18 Apr. | Brian Anderson – Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland Title: “Quantum Control and Tomography in a Large Hilbert Space” |
25 Apr. | Evan Couzo ’05 – MIT Title: “Atmospheric models: Why you should never ever ever trust them, why some people do, and why you will, too” |
1 May | Shelby Kimmel ’08, MIT, Center for Theoretical Physics Title: “Problems with Multiple Oracles” TPL 205 at 4:30 PM |
2 May | Paul Hess ’08, Harvard University Physics Dept. Title: “How round is the electron? ACME’s improved limit on the electron’s dipole moment” |
9 May | Kathy Aidala, Mount Holyoke Title: “Manipulating Magnetic States in Nanorings: The future of data storage?” |
19 May | Physics and Astronomy Honors Thesis Students – Williams Title: Honors Thesis Talks 1:40 PM, TPL 205 |