14 Sept. | Physics and Astronomy Faculty Title: “All about Graduate School” Student Common Room, TPL 314 |
20 Sept. | STREB Extreme Action Company Evening performance at ’62 Center for Theater & Dance |
28 Sept. | Dr. Nathan Hodas ’04, University of Southern California Title: “Using Social Network Data to Understand Human Behavior” Combined Physics, Astronomy and Computer Science Colloquium |
12 Oct. | Prof. Allen Downey, Olin College Title: “Complexity, Computation and Science in the 21st Century” Combined Physics, Astronomy and Computer Science Colloqium |
19 Oct. | Dr. Robert Cooper ’06, Princeton University Title: “Stay on Target! The origins of persistence in amoeboid motility.” |
26 Oct. | Prof. Jeff Bary, Colgate University Title: “The Importance of Being Duplicitous: Why Binarity Matters” |
2 Nov. | Physics and Astronomy honors thesis students – Williams College Title: Honors thesis talks |
9-10 Nov. | American Physical Society & American Association of Physics Teachers New England Section Fall Meeting Please click here for a detailed schedule. |
15 Nov. | Prof. Jeannie Albrecht – Williams College Sigma Xi Lecture Part I Title: ”Sensor-Driven Energy Management for Small Buildings” 4:15PM, Wege Auditorium |
16 Nov. | Prof. Jeannie Albrecht – Williams College Sigma Xi Lecture Part II Title: ”Flattening Peak Electricity Demand in Smart Buildings” 4:15PM, Wege Auditorium |
30 Nov. | Prof. Paul Cadden-Zimansky, Bard College Pencil + Tape = Topological Computation? — The New Two-Dimensional Universe of Graphene |
1 Feb. | Physics and Astronomy Faculty “Quick Introductions to Astronomy and Physics Research Opportunities at Williams” |
5 Feb. | Prof. Lawrence Krauss, Cosmologist and Best Selling Author, Arizona State U. Title: A Universe From Nothing 7PM, Wege Auditorium |
6 Feb. | Prof. Lawrence Krauss, Arizona State U. Title: Cosmology as Science?: From Inflation to Eternity 1:30PM, TPL 205 |
21 Feb. | Prof. Bill Wootters, Williams College Faculty Lecture Title: ”Why Does Nature Like the Square Root of Negative One?” 4:15 PM, Wege Auditorium |
22 Feb. | Prof. Thomas Allison, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University Title: “High Brightness Extreme Ultraviolet Frequency Combs via Intracavity High-Order Harmonic Generation“ |
1 Mar. | Prof. David Hanneke, Physics Dept, Amherst College Title: “A Programmable Quantum Information Processor” |
8 Mar. | Michael J. Person, MIT Title: “The MIT-Williams Program of Occultation Studies: Pluto and Other Objects in the Outer Solar System” |
3 Apr. | Angel Garcia,RPI Title: “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of RNA tetra loops” 4PM, TPL 205 |
5 Apr. | Dr. Andrew Speck ’00, Schlumberger-Doll Research Center, Cambridge, MA Title: “Downhole Fluid Analysis at Schlumberger: Current Status and Future Prospects” |
12 Apr. | Prof. Elizabeth Freeland, Physics Dept, Benedictine University Title: “Searching for New Physics: Neutral B-mixing and Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics” |
19 Apr. | Dr. Lily Yang, Naval Research Laboratory Title: ”Building a Quantum Network from Self-Assembled Quantum Dots and Photonic Crystals” |
26 Apr. | Dr. Sebastian Will, Harvard-MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms, Massachuesetts Inst. of Technology Title: “Dipolar molecules: a new player in the world of ultra cold quantum matter” |
3 May | Natalya Benko, Williams Children’s Center Title: ”Science with Grandma” |
13 May | Physics and Astronomy honors thesis students – Williams College Title: Honors Thesis Talks |