7 Sept. | Ward Lopes – Mt. Holyoke College Title: “Applications for Holographic Control of Light” |
14 Sept. | Alan Palevsky ’73 – Raytheon Company Title: “Computational Electromagnetics: The Radar Cross-Section of a Sphere” |
21 Sept. | Sarah Nichols ’03 – Stony Brook University Title: “Chemistry with Lasers: Quantum Control in Molecular Systems” [abstract] |
12 Oct. | Department faculty Title: “All about Graduate School: A Discussion” Time: 2:30 pm, Place: TPL 104 (student common room) |
19 Oct. | Daniel Seaton ’01 – University of New Hampshire Title: “Modeling Current Sheets During Solar Flares?” |
2 Nov. | David Park – Webster Atwell-Class of 1921 Professor of Physics, Emeritus Title: “Longitudes, Alexander the Great, and the Lost Tribes of Israel” |
9 Nov. | Prof. Jennifer Ross – University of Massachusetts Title: “Single Molecule Biophysics: Cellular Highways and Big Rigs” |
16 Nov. | Prof. Daniel McKinsey – Yale University Title: “Billiards with an invisible cue ball: hunting for dark matter particles” |
30 Nov. | Prof. Richard Easther – Yale University Title: “What Do We Learn about Physics by Looking at the Sky” |
7 Jan. | Dr. Nina Rohringer – Lawrence Liveremore National Laboratory Title: “Ultra-Short High-Intensity X-Ray Physics with Free-Electron Lasers” – 4:00 p.m. |
8 Jan. | Professor Lisa Randall – Harvard University Title: “Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe’s Hidden Dimensions” 7:30 PM – Brooks Rogers Recital Hall The Annual Richmond Lecture |
9 Jan. | Professor Fred Strauch – Gettysburg College and NIST Title: “Perfect Quantum State Transfer with Superconducting Phase Qubits” [abstract] – 4:00 p.m. |
10 Jan. | Dr. Brian Granger – Tech-X Title: “One-Dimensional Ultracold Quantum Gases” – 4:00 p.m. |
14 Jan. | Dr. James Higbie – University of California at Berkeley Title: “Ultra-Sensitive Atomic Magnetometry: From Fieldable Sensors to High-Resolution Magnetic Microscopy” – 4:00 p.m. |
16 Jan. | Thesis Students – Progress Reports 1:00 pm Shelby B. Kimmel; 1:20 pm Paul W. Hess; 1:40 pm Kristen E. Lemons; 2:00 pm Zachary T. Thomas; 2:20 pm Break; 2:30 pm Thomas J. Derbish; 2:50 pm William A. Jacobson; 3:10 pm Anne E. Jaskot; 3:30 pm Adam J. McKay |
23 Jan. | Bethany Cobb ’02 – Yale University Title: “Outshining the Universe: the Mystery of Gamma-ray Bursts” – 4:00 p.m. [abstract] |
13 Feb. | Dr. Guy Consolmagno SJ – Vatican Observatory Title: “Meteorite Porosity and Asteroid Structure: Are Asteroids Fluffy” – Time: 4:00 pm |
22 Feb. | Dr. William Fairbrother – Brown University Title: “Mapping Cis-Elements in the Genome: Development of high throughput binding assays to query nucleic acid/protein interactions” [abstract] |
29 Feb. | S. Charles Doret ’02 – Harvard University Title: “Look Ma – no lasers! Towards Bose-Einstein condensation of metastable helium via buffer gas cooling” [abstract] |
7 March | Prof. Froney Crawford ’94 – Franklin and Marshall College Title: “An Observational Test of a Pulsar Spin-down Model Using Radio Polarimetry” [abstract] |
15 – 30 March | Spring Recess |
11 April | Dr. Brant Nelson ’87 – IPAC/Caltech/Holderness School Title: “Light Echoes from AGN: Evidence For Dust Near the Central Engine” |
18 April | Gabe Perez-Giz – Columbia University Title: “A periodic table of black hole orbits “ |
24 & 25 April | Sigma Xi Research Talk – Prof. David Tucker-Smith – 4:15 pm – TCL 123 – Wege Auditorium Thursday – Part I: “News from the High-Energy Frontier” Friday – Part II “Searching for New Physics with the Large Hadron Collider” |
25 April | Prof. John Hunt – Columbia University Title: “Tales of two molecular machines” [abstract] |
13 May | Student Thesis Presentations 2:00 pm William A. Jacobson; 2:20 pm Anne E. Jaskot; 2:40 pm Adam J. McKay; 3:00 pm Shelby B. Kimmel; 3:30 pm Break; 3:40 pm Paul W. Hess; 4:00 pm Kristen E. Lemons; 4:20 pm Zachary T. Thomas; 4:40 pm Thomas J. Derbish |