New Research from the Physics Faculty: Aalberts, Doret, Kealhofer, Jensen, Majumder

Recent research from the department:

Professor Daniel Aalberts co-authored “The new strategies to overcome challenges in protein production in bacteria.” Anna Liponska, Fares Ousalem, Daniel P. Aalberts, John F. Hunt, Gregory Boel.  Microbial Biotechnology 12 (2018).  Paper here.


Working with two recent senior honors thesis students, Assistant Professor Charlie Doret wrote “Part-per-billion measurement of the 42S1/2 -> 32D5/2 electric-quadrupole-transition isotope shifts between 42,44,48Ca+ and 40Ca+.”  Felix W. Knollmann, Ashay N. Patel, & S. Charles Doret.  Phys. Rev. A 100, 022514 (2019).  Paper here.  Felix is currently continuing trapped ion work with the Ion Storage Group at NIST in Boulder, CO, while Ashay is working in the group of Nick Hutzler as a PhD student at CalTech.


Assistant Professor Kate Jensen has co-authored two papers during the last year:

“Effects of strain-dependent surface stress on the adhesive contact of a rigid sphere to a compliant substrate.” Z Liu, KE Jensen, Q Xu, RW Style, ER Dufresne, A Jagota, CY Hui, Soft Matter 15 (10), 2223-2231 (2019).  Paper here.

“Singular dynamics in the failure of soft adhesive contacts.” JD Berman, M Randeria, RW Style, Q Xu, JR Nichols, AJ Duncan, Michael Loewenberg, Eric R. Dufresne, and Katharine E. Jensen.  Soft Matter 15 (6), 1327-1334, (2019).  The paper features the work of a number of Williams students, including Justin Berman ’21, James Nichols ’21, and Aidan Duncan ’23.


Assistant Professor Catherine Kealhofer co-authored “Electron energy analysis by phase-space shaping with THz field cycles,” Structural Dynamics 5, 044303 (2018).  Paper here.


Along with his postdoc Dr. Dan Maser, Professor Tiku Majumder wrote “High-precision measurements and ab-initio calculation of the (6s26p2) 3P0->3P2 electric quadrupole transition amplitude in 208 Pb,” Daniel L. Maser, Eli Hoenig, B.-Y. Wang, P. M. Rupasinghe, S. G. Porsev, M. S. Safronova, and P. K. Majumder, Phys. Rev. A 100, 052506 (2019).  Paper here.  This paper includes work featured in the theses of Eli Hoenig ’17 and Bingyi Wang ’18.