2021-2022 Physics & Astronomy Colloquium Series
Unless otherwise noted, all talks take place at 2:35 p.m. in Thompson Physical Laboratory 205.
Sept. 17 | Physics and Astronomy Beyond Williams: Careers and Grad School |
Oct. 15 | Kevin Forkey and Brough Morris Title: “Old and New Offerings from the Cave of Wonders – Some Physics Demonstrations for Your Amusement” |
Oct. 22 | Will Kirby, Tufts (Join Zoom Meeting) https://williams.zoom.us/j/94677137147 Title: “Contextuality and quantum weirdness” |
Oct. 29 | Douglas Onyango, Rivian (Join Zoom Meeting) https://williams.zoom.us/j/94677137147 Title: “From Physics to Electric Vehicles: Battery Manufacturing for a Sustainable Society” |
Nov. 1 | Collin Stultz, MIT Phi Beta Kappa seminar Title: “Modeling Unfolded States of Protein” 2:35-3:50PM, TPL 203Collin Stultz, MIT Phi Beta Kappa public lecture Title: “Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Medicine: What makes a good machine learning model for clinical applications?” 7:30PM, Wege |
Nov. 5 | Jon Habif, USC Title: “Quantum Limits to Sensing Our World: Hearing Mother Nature’s Quietest Whispers” |
Nov. 12 |
David Reichman, Columbia Univ (Join Zoom Meeting) https://williams.zoom.us/j/94677137147 |
Nov. 19 | Kebra Ward, MCLA Title: “Career Paths of Physics Degree Holders” |
Dec. 3 | Senior Thesis Short Talks TPL 203 (or 205), 2:35-4PM |
Dec. 10 | Senior Short Thesis Talks |
Dec. 13 | Professor Pasachoff, Williams Title: “The December 2021 Williams College Expedition: Antarctica Edition” Short Thesis Talks – Peter Knowlton and Caroline Tally TPL 203, 2- 4PM |
Feb. 4 | All about Physics and Astronomy Research Physics and Astronomy Faculty https://williams.zoom.us/j/94677137147 |
Feb. 11 | Gerald Gabrielse, Northwestern University Topic: Tests of Fundamental Physics with Precision Measurements https://williams.zoom.us/j/94677137147 |
Feb. 18 | Winter Carnival |
Feb. 25 | |
Mar. 4 | Vikrant Yadav, Yale University Title: The Equation of State of a Tissue https://williams.zoom.us/j/94677137147 |
Mar. 11 | Teresa Duncan, Museum Conservation Institute, Smithsonian Institution Title: “Understanding and Tuning Properties of Gels and Elastomers for Gentle and Effective Surface Cleaning of Art” https://williams.zoom.us/j/94677137147 |
Mar. 18 | |
Mar. 25 / Apr. 1 | (Spring Break) |
Apr. 8 | Anne Jaskot, Williams College Sigma Xi lecture: “A Metal Tour of Galaxy Evolution – Why the James Webb Space Telescope Rocks” Bronfman Auditorium, Wachenheim at 4PM |
Apr. 15 | Dale Kocevski, Colby College Title: “Connecting Black Hole Growth and Galaxy Evolution Across Cosmic Time” https://williams.zoom.us/j/94243609379?pwd=NXA5M2V2ZlR1cjd4UTIxZWZaZnpnZz09 |
Apr. 22 | Brian Odom, Northwestern University Title: “You are Schrodinger’s Cat” |
Apr. 28 | Tim Atherton, Tufts University Title: “Towards an inclusive environment for LGBT+ Scientists” Thompson Physical Laboratory 203 at 4pm |
Apr. 29 | Tim Atherton, Tufts University Title: “Shape Sculpting and Shapeshifting with Soft Matter” Thompson Physical Laboratory 205 at 2:35pm |
May 6 | Kirk Barrow, Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Title: “The Benefits of Generalized Radiative Transfer Modelling of the ISM in the Time Domain” |
May 17 | Honors thesis talks with physics seniors 2PM, TPL 203 |