25 Sept. | Physics and Astronomy beyond Williams: Careers and Grad School |
2 Oct. | A Modular Quantum Computer with Trapped Ions and Single Photons: Allison Carter ’16, University of Maryland |
16 Oct. | Atomic Doctors, James Nolan, Williams College |
23 Oct. | Duane Bailey, Professor of Computer Science/Sigma Xi The Software-Hardware Dance: an Evolution |
30 Oct. | James Whitfield, Dartmouth Welcome to Quantum: Moving from Mechanics to Engineers |
6 Nov. | Ken Brown, Duke The Fault is in our Qubits |
13 Nov. | Heather Lewandowski, University of Colorado, Boulder Watching Chemical Reactions Happen One Molecule at a Time |
19 Feb. | All about Physics + Astro Research Physics and Astronomy Faculty Zoom link: https://williams.zoom.us/j/96476155918 |
5 Mar. |
Ryan Trainor, Franklin & Marshall Galaxy Formation in Lyman-alpha or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Scattered Light |
12 Mar. |
Brian Shuve, Harvey Mudd College |
19 Mar. |
Vivienne Baldassare, Washington State University |
2 Apr |
Ilse Cleeves, University of Virginia Understanding Planetary System Formation Through Astrochemistry |
9 Apr |
John Bollinger, NIST, Time and Frequency Div., Boulder, CO |
16 Apr |
Sigma Xi Talk: Daniel Aalberts Shooting the messenger RNA ==>— mRNA vaccine technology North Science Bldg Auditorium |
30 Apr | Matteo Bucci, MIT A Perspective on Boiling Heat Transfer Experimental Research |