2019-2020 Physics & Astronomy Colloquium Series
Unless otherwise noted, all talks take place at 2:30 p.m. in Thompson Physical Laboratory 205.
6 Sept. | Field Day |
13 Sept. | Don Fahey, Joint Quantum Institute Title: “Squeezing the Spin in a Bose-Einstein Condensate“ |
20 Sept. | David Poland, Yale Title: “Critical Phenomena and the Conformal Bootstrap” |
27 Sept. | “Physics after Williams: grad school, jobs” |
4 Oct. | N.R. Sheeley, Jr., Astrophysicist Title: “Understanding the Sun’s magnetic fields” |
11 Oct. | |
18 Oct. | Alphonse C. Sterling, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Title: “Solar Coronal Jets – Miniature Versions of Large-Scale Solar Eruptions” |
25 Oct. | Manuel Morales, Williams College Sigma Xi Lecture Title: “Ecological Mutualism” 4:15PM, Wege Auditorium, Chemistry Blog. |
1 Nov. | Antoniya Aleksandrova ’11, National Institutes of Health Title: “Exploiting Symmetry to Understand Function in Membrane Proteins” |
8 Nov. | Amy Steele ’08, University of Maryland Title: “Rocky remnants of stellar evolution: polluted white dwarf stars” |
15 Nov. | John Scofield, Oberlin College Title: “Measured Energy Savings and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from LEED-Certified Buildings” |
22 Nov. | Raghu Mahajan, Princeton Title: “Quantum Black Holes” |
6 Dec. | Steven Johnson, MIT Title: “Upper Limits of Light-Matter Interactions” |
10 Dec. | Thesis Progress talks TPL 205, 1-3PM |
24 Jan. | “All About Physics + Astro Research” Physics and Astronomy Faculty |
7 Feb. | |
14 Feb. | “Winter Carnival” |
21 Feb. | |
27 Feb. |
Aaron Kammerer ’98, iRobot 5:30 pm, TPL 114 |
28 Feb. | Aaron Kammerer ’98, iRobot Title: “Physics Skills in the Workforce” |
6 March | |
13 March | |
10 April | |
17 April | |
24 April | |
1 May | |
8 May | |
18 May | |